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Guild bank showing old items

Guild bank showing old items
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Hi there

We had a guild on Balnazaar, and decided to move to a new realm. Once at the new realm I restarted our guild and did a reset on the dkp website we were using on the old realm. Our guild name has remained the same.

The problem is that the website reset didn't clear the guild bank, and it's showing all of the items from when we were on the old realm. Is there any way to reset the guild bank so that I can upload a new DKP profile of our guild bank?

I have looked high and low and cannot find it.

Thanks in advance
Have you tried deleting the tabs from Admin > Games > Guild Bank? Or is the problem that they keep coming back?

It's all in the reflexes.
That was the part of the site that I knew had to exist, but couldn't find.

All sorted now, thanks Chops!
Quote by Malekii
That was the part of the site that I knew had to exist, but couldn't find.

All sorted now, thanks Chops!

Rock on

It's all in the reflexes.

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