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Guild Raid Snap Shot Errors

Guild Raid Snap Shot Errors
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Well, i dont know why, ur guild raid snapshot mod is a good idea, but not as good as the one that guildportal has, atleast guild portal does not have as much problems as the one you have and also it can show the guild members' public note. Well im not here to criticise your services but im having this problem seldom when i log in to my account.

Error Message:
...rface\AddOns\GuildRaidSnapShot\GuildRaidSnapShot.lua :1055 :attempt to index global 'member' (a nil value)

well im fed up of this error, but please help fix this problem cause this is potentially a problem not only discovered by me maybe discovered by other ppl.

Oh and the error message comes before this comes out

...rface\AddOns\GuildRaidSnapShot\GuildRaidSnapShot.lua :xxxx :attempt to index global 'notes' (a nil value)

I'm sorry about the problems you're having.

I've got a version that fixes those errors in testing right now, but I'm waiting for the WoW servers to come back online in order to test it.

It's all in the reflexes.
Quote by Chops
I'm sorry about the problems you're having.

I've got a version that fixes those errors in testing right now, but I'm waiting for the WoW servers to come back online in order to test it.

so is it working yet? and when will we be able to use it?

Heya Chops, I'll upload my Lua file for you to review but not even the rolling mechanism works when I go into an instance. It worked for Ony, but didnt take for MC. It's also fairly sizeable as we ran Ony, and 6 of the bosses in MC last night.
It's kinda frustrating to not even be able to roll out for loot, gotta do it the old way. Am I too spoiled to go back to the abacus?? Damn straight and its your fault Chops
Ya spoiled me with all yer fancy gadgets and gizzmos...you must be a gnome in real life!

All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing - Edmund Burke
Just to be sure, after the rolling for each boss particular boss is complete, you clicked "Stop Rolling" and then "Clear Rolls" right?

It's all in the reflexes.

so is it working yet? and when will we be able to use it?

I'm sorry I forgot to notify you that the changes have been uploaded.

It's all in the reflexes.
Correct, I start and then clear when finished on rolls.

All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing - Edmund Burke
Just curiously, is there a reason why you wouldnt want to clear the rolls when you hit start? I used it for the first time this weekend, and missed doing so on one of the rolls.
Quote by lonkley
Just curiously, is there a reason why you wouldnt want to clear the rolls when you hit start? I used it for the first time this weekend, and missed doing so on one of the rolls.

It's possible that someone could click "Stop Rolling" accidentally, and they'd need to re-enable the rolling process without wiping out the previous rolls.

It's all in the reflexes.

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