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Disabling "Sign up other user for this event"

Disabling "Sign up other user for this event"
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Disabling "Sign up other user for this event"
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Creator Queezy
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Status Closed
Type Support
Section of the Site Event Schedule/Signups
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I would like to disable the "Sign up other user for this event" feature on the calendar signups for my site. I really don't need people screwing around and signing each other up for stuff. Can you tell me how I can disable this feature?

Thank you!
Official DKPSystem.com Comments
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At the moment, this isn't an available option.

Keep in mind that this feature is only available for admins with the ability to schedule events. Normal users are not able to sign up other users.

It's all in the reflexes.
Thanks for your response. I will pass on the information.
I just wanted to add that the current features access is pretty restrictive when it comes to calendar events. I would really like the ability to designate separate ranks for posting events, editing events, approving signups, and signing up others.

In order to prevent misuse of the "Sign up another user" feature, I've had to drastically limit the number of people who can post events on the calendar. (Unless I'm interpreting the features access page and your comments incorrectly, which is always possible.)

The guild I'm in has always encouraged any member to post calendar events, but that is now a thing of the past if giving them that ability also allows them to sign up other people for events.
The thing to remember is that the "schedule" feature access is designed around an administrative standpoint. Anyone with "schedule" access can change, approve, signup other users, and even delete any events on the calendar. It would be similar to giving "forumadmin" access to normal users (allowing normal users to administer the forum).

If you're looking to give normal users access to post their own events, look into the "myschedule" feature access. This gives normal uses the ability to post events, and administer ONLY their events, and not others' events.

It's all in the reflexes.
I followed your advice and set "myschedule" to Member rank, and Event Schedule Administration to Officer rank. However, someone at Member rank just reported he could not post a new calendar event. When I changed Event Schedule Administration to member rank, he could. Am I not understanding something?
It's important to keep in mind that those with "myschedule" can only create events from the Big Calendar by clicking the "Plus". They would not have access to the normal Admin > Event Schedule page, as that page is reserved for admins.

It's all in the reflexes.
Thank you for the information. I'm sorry if you have had to repeat information that was in a newsletter -- for some reason I am still not getting them.

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