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Character Management

Character Management
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We have a lot of Alt-aholics

so I get quiet a few requests from members to "delete" a character from their profile..

is there a way we can give the members the control delete their own toons?

even if you don't want them deleted.... set a flag that doesn't make them show up in their profile listing / and roster will make them more than happy.. this way.. if someone "accidentally" does it.. admins/officers could go into the admin character listing.. and "bring them back" so to speak..

also.. though much less requested.. changing their name of their account (profile) might be a nice to have.. given all is associated by id.. and not the name itself

Louis T.

The Spreading Taint - WoW Group Admin
Rough Trade - Assistant Admin
I think adding a mechanism that allows members to tell you they want to delete a character (like the Character pending) stuff, is a good idea.

However, just allowing them to delete their characters is a bit of a risk because if they were, say, negative in DKP, they could simply delete their characters, and re-create them, and their DKP history would be wiped out.

It's all in the reflexes.
oh oh.. agree.. that's why I figured just a way to hide them from their "active" list.. it seems to bother some when posting to the forums and a character shows up on their list that they no longer play. *shrug*

not a big fan of the delete myself

Louis T.

The Spreading Taint - WoW Group Admin
Rough Trade - Assistant Admin

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