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Website down (at least for logged in users)

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Website down (at least for logged in users)
Creator digitalboy75
Public or Private Public
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Status Closed
Type Bug
Section of the Site Other/Misc
Urgency (1 votes)
Rating (0 votes)
When trying to go to the site, user are getting "An internal server error occurred. Please try again later."

I cleared my cache (after a restart) and could bring up the site, but as soon as I logon it happens to me.

This happened after trying to work on some Application forms; and I was trying to delete one (Mike's Test I think was the name).
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4826 days ago
Chops Said:
I'm working on it.
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4826 days ago
Chops Said:
Alrighty you're good to go, and I've fixed the problem that caused it in the first place. It was caused by an inefficiency in the codebase that didn't take your forum's massive size into consideration (ultimately, it was just a handful of poorly written queries).

So sorry for the trouble there. It shouldn't happen again.
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4826 days ago
digitalboy75 Said:
No problem, thanks for the super fast fix! I wasn't expecting anything until the next day; but we noticed it was back up and working at a late hour last night.

You rock!
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