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DKP System maybe bugging again

DKP System maybe bugging again
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DKP System maybe bugging again
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Creator zoson
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Status Open
Type Support
Section of the Site DKP
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Hey Chops

I think our decay bugging out again over the weekend I noitced the Decay Rate Column is not updating again and also the current DKP column is not updating either now, I watch it for 2 days and both are not changing the numbers are staying put, but in the background it is decaying properly from what I see, Like For example

My Current dkp is 2233.58 when I click on my name and add up the numbers current should technically be 2197.55 instead

When you get a chance can you look at it

Official DKPSystem.com Comments
No official comments yet
update current dlp column is updating properly now very strange but the decay Rate column numbers are not changing yet.

Site/Guild Admin

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