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Problem with Online Application

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Problem with Online Application
Creator Zalev
Public or Private Public
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Status Closed
Type Support
Section of the Site Security
Urgency (1 votes)
Rating (0 votes)
There seems to be a problem with the secruity code not working on the online application. If you enter it. It keeps erroring out saying you havn't entered the code...
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5691 days ago
Zalev Said:
Need some help please..this is pretty important....
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5691 days ago
Nitesbane Said:
Are you using a domain with masking? If you are, then this is most likely your problem.
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5691 days ago
Zalev Said:
Nope not using masking as far as i know.
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5690 days ago
Chops Said:
What address are your users using to access the site? Are they accessing it from a frame of any kind?

If the users type in dismalscience.dkpsystem.com directly, and enter the online application, does the problem persist?

I just tested myself and it's working alright.
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