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"Thread Views" increasing incrementally?

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"Thread Views" increasing incrementally?
Creator Mayadru
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Status Closed
Type Bug
Section of the Site Forum
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It would seem that either our threads have become the source of guildie obsession or there's something wrong with the thread counter. For example, a post that was made 34 hours ago appears to have been viewed 1818 times (and I promise there isn't a single naked picture in there!). This number is consistent regardless of which version of the forums you are using.

While this seems like a fluff issue I am constantly looking at this number to gauge interest level, monitor for drama, and have a feel for how many people are aware of new information. So, this one is more important to me.
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5798 days ago
Chops Said:
I'm not sure of the cause of this yet. There were some reports of a reload loop happening in some browsers yesterday, which may have caused the problem.

I've not yet experienced it, and I haven't heard any reports of it since then, so it's possible it was a side-effect fix of some of the bugs that were fixed yesterday.

Let me know if it seems to continue increasing in views at a disproportionate rate.
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5798 days ago
Krysi Said:
We have one of those: http://despised-guild.com/oldforum.php?ttid=all

20K+ views out of nowhere.
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5798 days ago
Chops Said:
Quote by Krysi
We have one of those: http://despised-guild.com/oldforum.php?ttid=all

20K+ views out of nowhere.

How can you be sure you didn't have 20,000 people viewing your site?

Yeah, this bug is getting fixed. Should be ready in the next day or two, if all goes well
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5797 days ago
Nitesbane Said:
Chops made a funny!
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5795 days ago
Chops Said:
This issue should be resolved with the new version.
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