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Back in Browser not Working as Expected

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Back in Browser not Working as Expected
Creator Enarra
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Status Closed
Type Bug
Section of the Site Forum
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Enough bug reports from me yet? Heh...

When drilled down into a forum thread hitting the back button in the browser simply reloads the same thread, and then pressing it again seems to go backwards an un-predicatible amount of pages. For myself it goes to the thread list in a format that isn't necessarily the last one I had set (as noted in a different ticket the site is having issues remembering my settings). For another guild member it is going to the News page.

Tested in Firefox and Google Chrome.
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5799 days ago
Chops Said:
There's usually a little bit of a delay before it finishes with the back button determination.

As for the user that's getting redirected to the News page, what browser is he/she using?
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5799 days ago
Enarra Said:
Quote by Chops
There's usually a little bit of a delay before it finishes with the back button determination.

As for the user that's getting redirected to the News page, what browser is he/she using?

Firefox and Chrome. This is the exact posts he made:

"Its not that bad really once you get used to it. But the back buttons on my browser make the forum freak out."

"Doesnt seem to have been a problem with the back button but rather how slowly pages load sometimes and my impatience lol"

"Scratch that. most of the time presssing the back button just reloads that page and thats after waiting a minute to see if it was just lagging. then pressing it again goes back to the kill pictures no matter how many pages were in between. tested in both chrome and firefox."
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5799 days ago
Warlord Said:
Firefox for me and the same problem
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5799 days ago
Enarra Said:
When he says "the kill pictures" he means the news page, since that is where I post the kill pictures.
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5799 days ago
ron_post Said:
Actually, I've found places where the back button is completely broken - it leaves you at the same page you were on. I was viewing a thread, hit the back button to go back to the thread index. At this point, the thread index was properly displayed, but the title was of the page was of the thread I'd been viewing. Hitting the back button at that point had no effect, and the forward button wasn't enabled - my browser obviously thought I was still on the thread page. This is with Firefox 2.0 (Solaris 8).
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5799 days ago
Adele Said:
The Forward button is getting disabled for me after pressing Back, I can't go back forward to where I just was.

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5798 days ago
RareBeast Said:
Second this. Using WinXP & IE7

From the thread index, I click on a post then read it.

Then I click the back button on IE7 and it redisplays the thread page. If I hit back again it is taking me to the screen asking which version of the forums I want to use.

I have to click on the "back to index" link instead which is hard when I am so used to using my thumb button on the mouse for back.
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5798 days ago
Chops Said:
I'm working on this.
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5798 days ago
RareBeast Said:
Thanks Chops. Great service as always.

Don't stay up all night! I can live with this for now

BTW, overall the new system looks very good/promising. A link to the 1st unread post in a thread would be nice though

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5795 days ago
Chops Said:
Is fixed with the latest deployed version.
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