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Inputting DKP Duplicated all Characters

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Inputting DKP Duplicated all Characters
Creator Enarra
Public or Private Public
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Status Open
Type Bug
Section of the Site DKP
Urgency (1 votes)
Rating (0 votes)
As seen here: http://ibr.dkpsystem.com/dkpmember.php?dkpsystemid=3

When I inputted DKP just now everything seemed normal, but after wards the roster shows that it duplicated all of the character who had received DKP that night.

I assume this is fixable via merging the characters. However, it's a bug that it happened in the first place so reporting it.

I'll leave the roster as is (not merging) until I hear from you, or until I have to input tonight's DKP (Friday afternoon is my time limit on that).
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5876 days ago
Enarra Said:
Upon further investigation it appears the Character roster is not duplicated, only the DKP view. Therefor it looks like the only person that can fix it is you Chops.
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5876 days ago
Chops Said:
Quote by enarra
Upon further investigation it appears the Character roster is not duplicated, only the DKP view. Therefor it looks like the only person that can fix it is you Chops.

When this happens, the solution is the click the "Inaccurate? Recalculate" link at the top of the Current Standings page.
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5876 days ago
Enarra Said:
Well that was depressingly easy. Thanks!

(In my defence over a year with this site and never had a problem needing that link before.)
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