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filter view blowing out table

filter view blowing out table
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Thread Tags
Primary: [Advanced Layout]
Secondary: None
It's fallen on my shoulders to support my fleet's forum and one thing that I cannot get to work correctly is when a person wishes to view the forum in a filtered manner, the table gets blown out to the right. I've been wondering if it may be tied to the number of sub forums to select in the filter or possibly their name lengths causing the top of the view to be wider than classic mode.

Once I get this little bug under control I think I will be ok from there. I haven't even begun to "style" yet because I am not happy with the layout control yet.
If you've got really long titles for your Thread tags, that can get messy with the Filter Views. I recommend using rather terse names for Thread Tags ("General", "Raiding", "Policy", etc)

What's your site's address so I can see what it looks like?

It's all in the reflexes.

we had a previous domain on here as well with our first admin, he threw a hissy though and we basically lost all our data and were forced to move. There are administrative features that are under the dkp point system alone that some mods feel the need to push us back here even though a great deal of our members cannot handle the forum module.

Looking at your forum, I'm seeing a fair number of longer tag names that could indeed cause some problems on lower resolutions.

I'd recommend renaming some of the longer ones, such as:

Fleet Announcements -> Announcements
Probationer's Review Board -> Probationers
Strategy, Tips, and Tactics -> Strategy
Guides and Information -> Guides
Member's Scuttlebut -> Members Only

Or maybe I'm misinterpreting the problem exactly. You're talking about the filtered view causing the site to scroll sideways, right?

It's all in the reflexes.
yes, the filtered view blows the table out sideways because of the control box.

Why does the control box need to be displayed at all times? why cant the tags come up in a popup window or something thus not limiting the person to name lengths for the tags.

Well, most non-techy's dont view them as tags as much as sub forums. Hence the more descriptive names. I'd be more interested in tags for specific sub filtering rather than forum subsections. Then again, this forum doesn't appear to setup for subsections as much as it is tags with one central pot of topics.

Why does the control box need to be displayed at all times? why cant the tags come up in a popup window or something thus not limiting the person to name lengths for the tags.

It doesn't necessarily have to be, it just is the way it's been. I have been kicking around some ideas for updates to the way the filters are displayed.

The forum is definitely due for another upgrade.

It's all in the reflexes.
Is it not possible to have sub-categories for thread tags? I'm trying my damnedest to make this thing NOT blow out to the right. I had hoped I could categorize the tags so the person would have to click the categories to open up selections. But apparently I have too many categories now and it forces it further right. I just can't win. Why does it have to display everything in one row? Why can't it simply wrap to the next line?
It makes the assumption you won't have more than 6 thread tag categories. My advice would be to try to merge the categories a bit more, and possibly leave the core sections (the sections most commonly used) uncategorized.

I'm still looking into redesigns of the filtering mechanism.

It's all in the reflexes.
why does it feel like I'm renting a car and being told not to drive on thursdays, leave headlights on all day monday's, and only carry 3 passengers on leap days.

I moved and trimmed, its better, but not really what I wanted.
something else aside from the states not saving I can't get to work. If I'm viewing in an advanced filter view, I'm forced to see ALL threads in that filter, I can't choose specific filters and apply them and see only unreads under those conditions. Am I missing something that should be obvious or a feature not working?
Quote by lothos
something else aside from the states not saving I can't get to work. If I'm viewing in an advanced filter view, I'm forced to see ALL threads in that filter, I can't choose specific filters and apply them and see only unreads under those conditions. Am I missing something that should be obvious or a feature not working?

Looks like it's a bug. I'm able to reproduce it. I'll have to get that fixed.

It's all in the reflexes.

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