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When creating a new tag (new Deathknight class forums) and viewing the forum in the Classic Mode (which I and many in my site prefer to view forums), it puts the new tag in the uncategorized section of the forums instead of the section that was selected (class forums) instead of the Thread Tag Category that was selected.

Thanks for your help.

EDIT:: now for some reason all my tags are uncategorized, but in admin section it shows that they are still in the categories that I set.
Official DKPSystem.com Comments
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Seems to work now. We had like 11 thread tags in that category and moved or deleted those that were not necessary. We had one of every class and a general class forums and pvp in that section so we got rid of the extra non-class sections and it seemed to work.

It's all in the reflexes.
now for some reason all my tags are uncategorized, but in admin section it shows that they are still in the categories that I set.

now for some reason all my tags are uncategorized, but in admin section it shows that they are still in the categories that I set.
Check it now. Sorry about that.

It's all in the reflexes.
It seems now that the tags under their categories now but some of the categories are split. Like I have two class forums, one with most of the tags in it and another class forums with 2 other tags.

Also seems to be doing the same with General section as well.
Looks to be all set now. Thanks =)

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