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Full Administrative Privledges

Full Administrative Privledges
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how do we remove the Full Administrative Privledges if some one leaves our guild
how do we remove the Full Administrative Privledges if some one leaves our guild

If you uncheck the "full administrative Privledges" box, the next time they log in, they won't have those privs anymore.

Or am I misunderstanding you.

It's all in the reflexes.
I really like that comment about Microsoft....any clue as to when that vacuum cleaner is due out? LOL
But seriously folks, how do you get it to say under your name that you're the Administrator?

I'm NOT the Guild Master, I just take care of the website<odd job so far>.

And what do they mean by Guild Operator??

Any help will be greatly appreciated!
Head to the "Ranks" section in the Admin. You can change that name there.

It's all in the reflexes.

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