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New Layout File Command

New Layout File Command
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New Layout File Command
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Creator Krellin
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Status Open
Type Suggestion
Section of the Site Advanced Layout Options and CSS
Urgency (1 votes)
Rating (1 votes)
I was hoping you might consider adding another layout file command that contains only the document's name, minus the extension.

An example:
news.php -> news

This would be useful for adding customized header images to every page like I am doing on my site. Currently, I have to resort to using javascript to accomplish this. System:Title won't work because it isn't static for every page (forums come to mind).
var url = document.URL;
var DocName =(url.substring(url.lastIndexOf("\/")+1,url.lastIndexOf("\.")))
document.write('<img src=\"/settings/never/files/')
document.write('.gif" alt=\"\">')
Official DKPSystem.com Comments
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Sure, I can add a command of that sort:


It's all in the reflexes.
Have you gotten around to adding this yet? I've been trying it every once and a while and it still isn't working.
Thanks for the reminder. It's done.

It's all in the reflexes.

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