CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets, and is used to stylize the
HTML. HTML and CSS work in tandem.
On your DKPSystem.com site, you can edit the CSS for your site by going to
Admin > Layout > CSS Editor.
We'll not be giving a complete CSS lesson, but instead will refer you to some resources for learning and using CSS.
Complete DKPSystem.com CSS ClassesA complete guide to the CSS classes used on DKPSystem.com sites
Firefox Addon:
Web DeveloperThis addon allows you to modify the CSS of the site live. Your changes will show live as you type. Ultimately, it makes doing any web changes easier.
Firefox Addon:
FirebugAnother addon that allows you to modify the CSS of the site live, including an "INSPECT" ability that alows you to select objects on the site to view it's properties. Just like "Web Developer", your changes will show live as you type, and it makes doing any web changes easier.
Web Tutorial:
W3 Schools CSS tutorialThe W3 Schools are a great resource for learning Web development related things.
CSS, the Definitive GuideA great CSS reference by O'Reilly Publishing
The Ultimate CSS ReferenceA very up-to-date book about CSS and it's current developments, including references to the upcoming CSS3 (Which isn't a complete standard yet, but the book mentions and tries to address certain aspects of CSS3).
Easy Link
BBCode Link: [guide=CSS]CSS[/guide]
URL: http://www.dkpsystem.com/guide/CSS