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Sub Domain Change - Layout Fell Over

Sub Domain Change - Layout Fell Over
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Sub Domain Change - Layout Fell Over
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Creator Lathere
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Status Open
Type Support
Section of the Site Advanced Layout Options and CSS
Urgency (1 votes)
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I've recently changed the guild name over and last night used the change sub domain option. The sub domain changed over fairly quickly - but the entire layout of the website seems to have disappeared!

Is this something that can be fixed? As it was manually uploaded and designed I am very scared I have to tell my sister to start again :(
Official DKPSystem.com Comments
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It looks like you may have deleted the style.css file that was used as it had been uploaded to the Administrative File Uploader. What was the original subdomain that you changed from? I can check the backups for a copy.

It's all in the reflexes.
Ok I've just checked with my sister who did the layout, she didn't panic like me about the layout falling apart She said the files will reference a folder in dkpfiles which is why it isn't showing up. She did delete the css recently it to upload a new version that references the new file locations of the images.

She's trying to upload the new one and it keeps getting stuck on the upload - this is using the Administrative File Uploader.

The old subdomain was insanitylater.dkpsystem.com

Hope this helps!
If she's running a mac, make sure she upgrades Flash to version 10.

It's all in the reflexes.

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