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On-page Linking

On-page Linking
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On-page Linking
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Creator Quaiche
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Status Closed
Type Suggestion
Section of the Site Forum
Urgency (3 votes)
Rating (3 votes)
When creating large-ish guides like FAQs and such, it would be really nice to be able to do on-page linking. Could be just linking to the subtitle elements on the page, but even better would be letting us set our own anchors.

To go along with this, a [toc] element might be nice that auto-generates a table of contents based on the title and subtitle elements.
Official DKPSystem.com Comments
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Quaiche - Addon Author, Druid, and Guild Leader for Benevolent Thuggery on Dragonblight
Sounds good to me. I've got this marked as "High Priority"

It's all in the reflexes.
So we now have auto-TOC capabilities, which ROCKS!

Two questions:

1. Is there a [toc] tag that I can use to position the toc element where I want on the page? (I don't always want it at the top)

2. Do we have custom on-page linking yet?

Quaiche - Addon Author, Druid, and Guild Leader for Benevolent Thuggery on Dragonblight
I'm afraid there isn't a way to position it individually on each page. Though this is something that could probably be done.

As for on-page linking, you could actually make your own BBCode now.

To make an anchor tag, you could do it like this:

Regular Expression: /\[anchor=(\w+)]/i

Replacement: <a name="$1"></a>

Also, with FAQs, don't forget about the [collapse] tag that works like this:

How does our recruitment process work?

It's all in the reflexes.
Perfect! Thanks

Quaiche - Addon Author, Druid, and Guild Leader for Benevolent Thuggery on Dragonblight
Chops, im having trouble with this. I entered the data as you have it. Maybe im not using it right. Can you give an example of how to use the tags?

Do you need to use another custom bb for the link? Like a [goto]?
I'm sorry for taking a whole day to respond to this one:

To use an anchor, you end up linking to the anchor with #anchorname.

So, for example, using that code above, if you dropped an achor with [anchor=foo]

You would then move to that location with an url tag like this

[url=#foo]Go To Foo[/url]

Which would render like this: Go To Foo (granted this link won't do anything here on this thread, since there isn't an anchor here called "foo")

It's all in the reflexes.

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