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Embedded Menus

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The <!--System:StartEmbedMenu--> command allows for a menu specific formatting. Typically, this is employed for things like horizontal menus, while the remainder of the standard menus display along the sides. It uses the commands from the Menu File.

It works by placing <!--System:StartEmbedMenu:MenuName--> and <!--System:EndEmbedMenu--> into your page, with the Menu Commands placed between. All of the Menu Functions work here.

As an example, from the PiaS Drop-In Template

<div id=mainmenu>
	<table align=center width="100%" id=topmenu>
		<tr align=center class=mainmenu valign=top>
						<Td><a href="<!--Menu:Link-->"><!--Menu:LinkName--></a></td>

This would compile as the following:

<div id=mainmenu>
	<table align=center width="100%" id=topmenu>
		<tr align=center class=mainmenu valign=top>
			<Td><a href="admin.php">Admin</a></td>
			<Td><a href="app.php">Recruitment</a></td>
			<Td><a href="news.php">News</a></td>
			<Td><a href="forum.php">Forum</a></td>
			<Td><a href="memberlist.php">Roster</a></td>
			<Td><a href="guildbank.php">Guild Bank</a></td>
			<Td><a href="gallery.php">Gallery</a></td>
			<Td><a href="javascript:openchat()">Live Chat(0)</a></td>

Keep in mind this functionality is not the primary mechanism for displaying menus. This is for exceptions to the rule.

Incoming Guide Links
  • Layout File
  • Layout Guide

  • Last Modified: 4/2/2008 12:27am
    Contributors: Chops
    Easy Link
    BBCode Link: [guide=EmbeddedMenus]Embedded Menus[/guide]
    URL: http://www.dkpsystem.com/guide/EmbeddedMenus